STC I - Maryborough Hill to City
STC I - Maryborough Hill to City
The Maryborough Hill to City Sustainable Transport Corridor (STC I) starts near the top of Maryborough Hill at the existing roundabout that links to the Monegurney/Garryduff Road. Segregated cycle tracks are proposed in both directions from this roundabout to the Fingerpost Roundabout, which is proposed to be converted to a signalised junction. An inbound (towards the city) bus lane is proposed to start 100m south of the junction of Maryborough Hill with Elden Estate and continue northwards as far as Greendale Road.
A break in the bus lane is then proposed between the junction with Greendale Road and Lime Trees Road, the bus lane would then be resumed up to the proposed signalised Fingerpost Junction. The proposed bus and cycle facilities proceed through Douglas Village via East Douglas Street. It is proposed to restrict traffic to local access only on East Douglas Street with the introduction of two bus gates. This would reduce delays for buses and provide a safe route for cyclists without the need for road widening.
The bus and cycle route continues on Douglas Road (R610) where bus priority and segregated cycle tracks are proposed up to Rhodaville Estate in the northbound direction and St. Finbarr’s Hospital in the southbound direction. To facilitate this, bus gates would be used at peak times to restrict traffic on the road to local access, bus, and cyclists only. At the junction of Douglas Road and Southern Road the bus route continues on Southern Road, and cyclists will travel on a quiet street route on High Street and Langford Row before merging with the proposed bus route again at the northern end of Southern Road.
The bus and cycle routes continue on Infirmary Road and Anglesea Street. At the junction with Old Station Road the proposed bus route turns east on Old Station Road and joins with the adjacent Sustainable Transport Corridor H (Airport to City). The proposed cycle route ties into the existing infrastructure on Anglesea Street.