Overall Proposals
Overall Proposals
You may wish to give us your views on the overall BusConnects Cork Sustainable Transport Corridors proposals. Select the Overall Proposals Chapter when making a submission to provide your feedback on the overall proposals.
On Monday 6th November 2023, the National Transport Authority (NTA) published, updated Preferred Route Options for the 11 Sustainable Transport Corridors (STCs) as part of the BusConnects Cork programme for a third round of public consultation.
The Sustainable Transport Corridors involve the implementation of continuous bus priority and cycle facilities along 11 key bus corridors around Cork City. The proposals s include approximately 91 km of bus lane/ bus priority and 98 km of cycle facilities (one direction) delivering 49km of the cycle network. The 11 Sustainable Transport Corridors are designed with the aim of making the bus system operate more efficiently in addition to providing safe cycling along key routes.