STC C - Blackpool to City
STC C - Blackpool to City
The Blackpool to City Sustainable Transport Corridor (STC C) commences north of Blackpool Shopping Centre on Brothers Delaney Road. The STC proceeds on Brothers Delaney Road to connect with Blackpool Shopping Centre and Redforge Road. From here the STC proceeds south on Redforge Road, Dublin Street, Thomas Davis Street and Watercourse Road. The STC then proceeds on Cathedral Walk and the N20 south, where it connects into the sustainable transport facilities currently being provided on Leitrim Street and Devonshire Street as part of the MacCurtain Street Public Transport Improvement Scheme. It is also proposed that the STC will connect in with proposed cycling facilities on Lower John Street and Knapps Square to offer an alternative quiet street route to the west of the N20.
Priority will be provided for buses using dedicated bus lanes on Popham’s Road and Brothers Delaney Road. Redforge Road, Dublin Street, Thomas Davis Street, Watercourse Road and Cathedral Walk are physically constrained in a number of areas. It is proposed that bus priority will be provided through several different measures such as bus lanes, traffic signals, and traffic restrictions on Dublin Hill. Bus priority on the N20 is to be delivered using bus lanes and traffic signals.
Proposed cycling provision includes dedicated cycle tracks to Blackpool Shopping Centre from the junction of Popham’s Road and Commons Road via Brothers Delaney Road. A new cycle connection will also be made from the N20 at Brothers Delaney Road, through Orchard Court to connect to Thomas Davis Street.
Cycle tracks on approach to key junctions will be provided on Thomas Davis Street and Watercourse Road. The traffic restrictions to reduce traffic volumes on these streets will allow cycle users to share space with traffic, with protection and priority provided at junctions.
Traffic restrictions at Cathedral Walk will allow for a ‘quiet street’ cycle provision on Watercourse Road. Cycle tracks are provided along Cathedral Walk and the N20 as far as the junction with Leitrim Street. From here the STC will link into the cycling facilities currently being implemented on Leitrim Street as part of the MacCurtain Street Public Transport Improvement Scheme.
The proposed corridor also connects to Sustainable Transport Corridor D (STC D)- Hollyhill to City at the intersection of O’Connell Street and Watercourse Road.