5. Strategy Aim and Objectives
5. Executive Summary
5. Strategy Aims and Objectives
“NTA Priorities:
“Priority 1. Undertake strategic transport planning seeking the optimal alignment of land use and transport policy and practice, enabling an increased proportion of travel by sustainable transport modes.
“Priority 2. Promote the use of more sustainable modes of transport.
“Priority 3. Implement an effective infrastructure investment programme that delivers sustainable and public transport infrastructure in a cost effective manner.”
National Transport Authority Statement of Strategy 2018-2022
5.1 Introduction
In crafting a 20 year transport strategy, it is vital at the outset to develop a clear understanding of what it is you are trying to achieve. Based on the challenges set out earlier, plus the plans, programmes and policies at the international, national and local level, and on the statutory role of the strategy, the following aim and objectives has been established for the Transport Strategy.
5.2 Strategy Aim
The overall aim of the Transport Strategy is:
“To provide a sustainable, accessible and effective transport system for the Greater Dublin Area which meets the region’s climate change requirements, serves the needs of urban and rural communities, and supports economic growth.”
5.3 Strategy Objectives
Four objectives have been developed to support the delivery of the overall aim of the Transport Strategy. These are set out below.
5.3.1 An Enhanced Natural and Built Environment
To create a better environment and meet our environmental obligations by transitioning to a clean, low emission transport system, reducing car dependency, and increasing walking, cycling and public transport use.
5.3.2 Connected Communities and Better Quality of Life
To enhance the health and quality of life of our society by improving connectivity between people and places, delivering safe and integrated transport options, and increasing opportunities for walking and cycling.
5.3.3 A Strong Sustainable Economy
To support economic activity and growth by improving the opportunity for people to travel for work or business where and when they need to, and facilitating the efficient movement of goods.
5.3.4 An Inclusive Transport System
To deliver a high quality, equitable and accessible transport system, which caters for the needs of all members of society.