15. Freight, Delivery and Servicing

Dúnta9 Sam, 2021, 10:00 - 10 Ean, 2022, 23:59


15. Executive Summary

The NPF growth projections and the associated demand for new homes, continued economic growth and opportunities, as well as the provision of community infrastructure such as schools, will all combine to result in the increased need for freight movement in the GDA. There will also be a greater level of delivery and servicing activity and waste management.

While presenting challenges in terms of safety, congestion, and air and noise pollution, the clustering of activities, allied to an improvement in the strategic transport infrastructure, offers the possibility of innovative approaches to mitigate the impact of freight activity and reconcile with demand / demand patterns and operational requirements associated with other modes and journey purposes.

The Draft Transport Strategy includes measures designed to address key areas of concern for Freight, Delivery and Servicing, including:

  • Preparation of a Strategy for Sustainable Freight Distribution for the Greater Dublin Area, including an examination of the potential for Construction and Logistics Centres in the GDA and the feasibility of consolidation centres and break bulk facilities, to facilitate deliveries by smaller vehicles;
  • Identifying appropriate locations for freight-intensive developments for inclusion in local authority Development Plans;
  • Identifying specific HGV routes and/or time restrictions for deliveries, to improve efficiency while minimising the impact of HGV movements;
  • Implementing the outcomes of the Rail Freight 2040 Strategy; and
  • Implementing measures to reduce the environmental impact of the freight sector, including:
    • Reducing the amount of ‘last mile trips’ being made by motorised vehicles;
    • Facilitating the transition to zero-emission delivery vehicles such as cargo bikes, solar powered and electric vehicles; and
    • Supporting local ‘Click and Collect’ facilities where appropriate to minimise trips to individual homes and workplaces.

15. Freight, Delivery and Servicing

15.1 Introduction

The National Planning Framework growth projections and the associated demand for new homes; continued economic growth and opportunities; as well as the provision of community infrastructure such as schools, will all combine to result in the increased need for freight movement in the GDA. There will also be a greater level of delivery and servicing activity and waste management.

While presenting challenges in terms of safety, congestion, air and noise pollution, the clustering of activities, allied to an improvement in the strategic transport infrastructure offers the possibility of innovative approaches to mitigate the impact of freight activity and reconcile with demand / demand patterns and operational requirements associated with other modes and journey purposes.

The following sections set out key areas of consideration for freight movement and goods delivery.

15.2 Freight Strategy

Regional Policy Objective 8.5 of the EMRA RSES supports the preparation of a strategy for freight transport in collaboration with the relevant transport agencies and the other Assemblies.  From a climate change perspective, this should contribute to the acceleration of the decarbonisation of the freight sector, integrate smart technologies in logistics management and reinforce the important role that the strategic rail and road (including TEN-T) network play in efficiently moving freight. However, given the types of vehicles, their large size and the long distance nature of many of their operations, it is important to acknowledge the challenges faced  by  the decarbonisation of road freight transport.

The NTA supports the development of such a strategy in recognition of the need to reduce the carbon-intensity of freight movements and be cognisant of  the inter-regional nature of freight movements, driven in particular by the scale and strategic importance of Dublin Port and Dublin Airport, along with the high centration of logistics and industrial activity within the GDA.  It is a key objective of the National Planning Framework under National Strategic Objectives NSO2 - Enhanced Regional Accessibility and NSO6 - High Quality International Connectivity, and also the RSES to safeguard and improve access to Dublin Port and Dublin Airport, as two primary national gateways. 

MEASURE FREIGHT1 - Strategy for Sustainable Freight Distribution

It is the intention of the NTA, in collaboration with other authorities, including TII and Irish Rail,  and stakeholders to prepare a Strategy for Sustainable Freight Distribution for the Greater Dublin Area – to inter alia, support the decarbonisation of the freight sector, to seek to further integrate smart technologies in logistics management and to reinforce the important role that the strategic road and rail network play in the efficient movement of freight.

15.3 Planning Policy and the Location & Management of Freight Intensive Development

Underpinning the Strategy’s measures relating to freight, delivery and servicing, there is an associated requirement by planning authorities in the GDA for the clear identification in development plans, of appropriate locations for freight intensive developments, and the implementation of Distribution and Servicing Plans for such developments as part of the planning process.

MEASURE FREIGHT2 – Planning Policy and Freight

It is recommended that local authorities in the GDA, with the input of the NTA and TII, identify appropriate locations for freight-intensive developments in their Development Plans.

15.4 Heavy Goods Vehicles

HGVs play an integral role in the movement of goods throughout the Greater Dublin Area and at a national level. HGV movement can have significant impacts on the overall volume of traffic, noise, air pollution and the safety of other road users, particularly within urban areas.

The implementation of designated ‘lorry routes’ on strategic radial and orbital roads would assist in optimising the usage of available road capacity, and mitigate delays and conflict with other modes.

In addition, seeking to regulate delivery times and as far as practicable, limiting them to off-peak periods would contribute to off-setting traffic congestion within urban areas. This could also bring additional benefits to freight operators in terms of reductions on travel times and operating costs.

HGV management proposals may include the following:

  • Implementation of a HGV management plan within the Metropolitan Area to ensure that these routes retain sufficient capacity to fulfil their strategic functions, including freight movement. The manner of implementation, enforcement, access routes and extent of the scheme will be determined at a later stage between TII, the NTA, stakeholders from the freight industry and local authorities;
  • Provision for the continuation of the current Dublin City Heavy Goods Vehicle Management Strategy and for its further expansion to other vehicle types, potentially with an expanded exclusion area;
  • Ensure that delivery and servicing of new developments is accommodated off-street;
  • Ensure that the Dublin Tunnel continues to perform its primary function of providing access to Dublin Port and Dublin City for freight traffic;
  • Assessment of the potential for, and, if appropriate, introduction of similar HGV management measures in other major town centres in the GDA;
  • Support for goods vehicle parking facilities at on-line motorway service areas and other appropriate locations within the GDA in accordance with relevant planning policies and guidelines; and
  • Provision for appropriate Mobility management planning at key freight intensive locations such as Dublin Port, Dublin Airport and Dublin City Centre.


Consideration will be given to identifying specific HGV routes and / or time restrictions for deliveries , to  improve the efficiency  of    while minimising the impact of  HGV movements .

15.5 Rail Freight

The potential for the use of rail and associated inter modality with road based freight movement will be examined as part of the Transport Strategy’s implementation.  This will take into consideration Irish Rail’s Rail Freight 2040 Strategy which examines opportunities for the expansion of rail freight volumes across the Irish Rail network over the next 20 years.

The Rail Freight Strategy proposes a series of interventions under five investment pillars that look to support this goal:

  • Enhancing connections with seaports;
  • Developing a network of inland ports
  • Addressing rolling stock requirements;
  • Network developments; and
  • Policy initiative


The NTA will support Irish Rail in the implementation of the outcomes of the Rail Freight 2040 Strategy.

15.6 Construction Logistics Centres

Shared construction and logistics centres (CLCs) are a recent trend in European cities projected to experience significant increases in population and construction activity in future years.

CLCs are typically set-up near strategic development areas on sites adjacent to the strategic road or rail network to minimise travelling distances for construction materials. Developers are often required to sign up to shared CLCs as part of the development management process.

Trips to and from construction sites are reduced as HGVs with less than 80% occupancy are held until fully occupied and trips to construction sites are controlled using a booking system.  The levels of development anticipated within the Strategy period across a number of key growth area within the Metropolitan Area would appear to justify the need for a number of CLCs.


It is the intention of the NTA, as part of the Regional Freight Strategy, to investigate the potential for Construction and Logistics Centres in the GDA.

​​​​​​​15.7 Delivery and Servicing

The expected growth in commercial and goods trip intensive development over the Transport Strategy period will lead to an increase in delivery and servicing needs.

Personal delivery and waste management services also expected to increase substantially arising from changes in the retail sector and as the population increases.

Objectives to manage this increase in delivery and servicing include:

  • Examination of the case for urban or micro-consolidation centres within the GDA, particularly within Dublin City Centre and other major town centres, to reduce the number of last-mile trips being made by larger goods vehicles - for example, examining the case for small electric vans delivering to restaurants and shops;
  • Examining the case for increased use of cargo bikes for delivery in Dublin City Centre and other towns in the GDA;
  • Examining the feasibility of out-of-hours delivery and servicing through the use of low-noise vehicles like Electric Vehicles (EVs) and the imposition of planning conditions where appropriate;
  • Examining the feasibility of using smaller and non-motorised vehicles for delivery and servicing to reduce noise and air pollution and enable more street space to be given to pedestrians and cyclists;
  • Minimising empty return trips by taking inspiration from innovative practices such as the Utrecht Cargohopper and Gothenburg’s Stadleveransen city delivery system; and
  • Supporting the placement of local ‘Click and Collect’ facilities at rail stations, new residential developments and Park and Ride facilities, to reduce the amount of individual personal deliveries to workplaces and homes where the recipient is often absent.

MEASURE FREIGHT5 – Consolidation Centres

It is the intention of the NTA, in collaboration with local authorities, to examine the feasibility of consolidation centres and break bulk facilities, to facilitate smaller vehicle delivering to Dublin City Centre and other major town centres.

MEASURE FREIGHT6 – Environmental Measures for Freight

It is the intention of the NTA, in collaboration with other authorities, to:

  • Seek the reduction of the amount of ‘last mile trips’ being made by motorised vehicles;
  • Facilitate the transition to zero-emission delivery vehicles such as cargo bikes and electric vehicles; and
  • Support local ‘Click and Collect’ facilities where appropriate to minimise trips to individual homes and workplaces.




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