Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Anna Lalor

5. Strategy Aim and Objectives

Again with reference to the proposed replacement of pedestrian and cycle access over the railway due to the closure of Ashtown level crossing under DART+ West, I believe it conflicts with many of the objectives of the Transport Strategy for GDA in that it disincentivises walking and cycling (due to safety concerns) and increases incentives to drive, reduces connectivity to the community at the other side of the railway tracks and the many amenities there and makes access to the railway for those with disabilities, particular in the event that lifts are out of order (a 320 metre trip with an 8 metre incline).  Based on the 2016 census, about 20% of the community cross the level crossing every morning as pedestrians or cyclists.

An Enhanced Natural and Built Environment

To create a better environment and meet our environmental obligations by transitioning to a clean, low emission transport system, reducing car dependency, and increasing walking, cycling and public transport use.

Connected Communities and Better Quality of Life

To enhance the health and quality of life of our society by improving connectivity between people and places, delivering safe and integrated transport options, and increasing opportunities for walking and cycling.

An Inclusive Transport System

To deliver a high quality, equitable and accessible transport system, which caters for the needs of all members of society.