8. Planning for Sustainable Transport

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Vanessa Liston

8. Planning for Sustainable Transport

Hierarchy of road users: More granularity would be beneficial in the hierarchy of road users, to include children for example and disabled persons. They need additional considerations in the design. If we design for children and accessibility we design better spaces.

Measure PLAN12 – Urban Design in Major Infrastructure Projects. The current language of this measure is weak in 'considering' only how biodiversity could be fostered'. I suggest revising the measure

  • Change from
    The NTA will incorporate a high standard of urban design and placemaking into the planning and design of all major public transport infrastructure schemes, and will consider how greater biodiversity could be fostered


  • The NTA will incorporate a high standard of urban design and placemaking into the planning and design of all major public transport infrastructure schemes, and will take measures to ensure biodiversity can be enhanced to the greatest extent possible.


Measure PLAN10 – Design of Schools states 'Planning for new schools and the expansion of existing schools in the GDA should ensure that the detailed design is undertaken in a manner which maximises the priority for pedestrians and cyclists. Access, footpaths, car parking (if required) and cycle parking should all be arranged so as to eliminate, as far as practicable, interference and conflict between motorists and pedestrians and cyclists'. 

This measure should be strengthened to actively disincentivise car transportation to school. The location of car parks at the front of the school and exits is not only a safety hazard but only does not support our children experiencing a world without car domination. Even if the design manages to navigate children around the car park, it is not consistent with the message and vision of a sustainable environment. For this reason, the measure should include 'Planning for new schools and the expansion of existing schools in the GDA should ensure that the detailed design is undertaken in a manner which maximises the priority for pedestrians and cyclists. Access, footpaths, car parking (if required) and cycle parking should all be arranged so as to eliminate, as far as practicable, interference and conflict between motorists and pedestrians and cyclists and the realisation as far as possible of a car-free environment within the school compound'. 

Measure PLAN13 – Urban Design in Walking and Cycling Projects In the design, planning and prioritisation of walking and cycling schemes, the NTA and the local authorities will ensure the incorporation of urban design and placemaking considerations.


In the design, planning and prioritisation of walking and cycling schemes, the NTA and the local authorities will ensure the incorporation of of high-quality urban design and placemaking improvements.