11: Cycling and Personal Mobility Devices

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Claire Wheeler

11: Cycling and Personal Mobility Devices

Concerning the draft Cycling network map (from the point of view of a Dublin 4 resident):  Serpentine Avenue and Tritonville road should be designated a secondary cycle route, purely because a lot of commuters cycle along it to get to school or work. This road connects Sandymount and Irishtown with places like Stephens Green, Ranelagh, Donnybrook, etc.  These are areas where people cycle a lot and where all the schools are. However, the route is threatened with extra, diverted East Link and local South Port traffic if the proposed Strand Road closure goes ahead.

In comparison, Strand Road is not a useful commuter route for cyclists, except perhaps those from Ringsend going to Booterstown, or from Booterstown to Pearce St (although the DART provides an excellent service for this route).  Dublin City Council will conduct a public consultation on flood defenses along the northern edge of Sandymount Strand, and I believe the options will include a wide concrete flood wall. If this becomes the preferred option, it changes everything concerning the design of a coastal cycleway here, which it is currently proposed will occupy and close the inbound lane, causing essential vehicular traffic to the East Link to divert via Merrion Rd., Serpentine Ave etc (and Church Ave.! which is a complete nonsense as larger vehicles can barely manage that turn as it is).  It would be very sensible to design the proposed recreational coastal cycleway, conceived as 'S2S', using the new flood defense infrastructure.  Therefore plans for cycle ways or routes along Strand Road and Beach Road must not be finalized until after public consultation, concerning design options for a cycleway in conjunction with new flood defenses, has taken place. 

Concerning the Dodder Greenway: I suppose this strongly, as it will be an extremely useful cycle route.  However, the exact details of the design will be terribly important, as this is a very important wildlife corridor, vital both to our quality of life and to biodiversity aspects of climate change.  Extra funding should be provided for biodiversity enhancement during the design and construction phase of this project.

E-scooters: people using E-scooters should be required to wear high-Viz.