Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Aeravai Autonomous Electric Road and Air Vehicle Association of Ireland

9. Integration and Inclusion

Why are Governments only giving grants for private EV car ownership when many can no longer afford the financial burden of private car ownership due to the increased costs?

We need to change the mantra around ownership & promote SharedMobility & CarSharing and give tax incentives to operators to enter the Irish market.

Why is Mental health not a consideration when it comes to transport planning? Lack of transport or lack of access to transport is a major mental health concern due to loneliness and isolation which is so bad for your health. It's the equivalent of smoking a pack of cigarettes every day! This is not just in Rural area's that gets most of the attention but also in suburban and Urban isolation is a cause for concern as well due to poor availability or due to the financial burden from both public and private Transport being a contributing factor to mental health decline in our rural areas and cities.

Women are the ones most looking forward to having Robotaxi's who spend more on taxis and transport due to safety concerns on current undesirable, unsafe, Buses Trams & Trains public transport.

If you do the maths on providing a free public transport service it would not be that expensive. In 2019 we had 10m visitors and 5m residents. To provide Free Public Transport nationally it would only cost about €100 per head would be €1.5B we could spend on our free public transport service.