Dublin 7 Urban Action Group

9. Integration and Inclusion

9.16 Enforcement of Road Traffic Laws

"Cyclists travelling on footpaths or pedestrianised streets" should be removed. People on bikes do not pose any threat, and when offered suitable infrastructure, do not cycle on paths. Moreover, pedestrianised streets should be open to people on bikes, with pedestrians prioritised, like it is done abroad (Seville would be a prime example of mixed streets, with injunctions for cyclists to leave priority to people on foot.


The NTA also needs to ensure that there will be enforcement on its bus lanes - the entire success of BusConnects depends on it.


9.8 Behavioural change

This needs to be revised. What definition of behaviour change is referred to? Campaigns are grand, but behavioural change will come once the reallocation of space has happened. See Covid 19 impact - when the streets are quiet, people cycle. You have the power to make streets quiet - one way streets, filtered permeability, road design. This is what people want from you, not dozens of campaigns. Promoting behaviour change without building infrastructure to support the behaviour desired, is ineffective.