Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Claudia Strauss

3. Strategy Challenges

3.2 Climate Change: The timeframe for change seems unambitious: "To this end this report sets out the scale and the strategic-level detail of the investment required to facilitate a reduction in the use of the private car in the GDA over the period to 2042." There needs to be clear targets sets out to achieve substantial reduction in car use within a shorter time frame given the biodiversity and climate crisis.  

3.6 Transformation of the Urban Environment: The recognition of the need to transform our urban environment is very welcome.  The car-centric design of our urban environment is detrimental to Dublin residents. 

I am pleased to see that the Strategy state that car-centric urban environments have a disproportionately adverse impact on certain groups.  Children should be added to the list of groups adversely affected as per below:    

"This has a disproportionate adverse impact on persons with disabilities, children, the elderly and the socially disadvantaged". Our urban environment is currently completely hostile to children as well as those with accessibility needs. Children constitute ~20% of Ireland's population and travel to school 5 days per week - they need to be a primary consideration in any Transport Strategy. 

"Reducing" car dominance is insufficiently ambitious as an aim, since any reduction could be considered a success. It needs to be clearly spelled out that cars will no longer be permitted to dominate - through the facilitation of modal shift.

As HGVs are the most likely vehicle to injure or kill cyclists and pedestrians in our city, the NTA documents should reference the need to ensure permit compliance. More roads should be closed to HGV traffic to ensure that there are minimum road design standards in place on those roads where HGV traffic is permitted to keep vulnerable road users safe.

Separately, deliveries by goods vehicles currently account for a considerable proportion of instances where cycle tracks and pavements are blocked. This needs to be addressed.