11: Cycling and Personal Mobility Devices

Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Aeravai Autonomous Electric Road and Air Vehicle Association of Ireland

11: Cycling and Personal Mobility Devices

The NTA's proposed Future cycling infrastructure is substandard and insufficient possibly even dangerous! Unfortunately, people do not feel safe cycling with poor substandard cycling infrastructure in the city,

As seen in DLR if proper desirable segregated bi-directional cycling infrastructure is installed people will come & use them!

Under the proposed Busconnects, cycling infrastructure is substandard and unsuitable and may be cause for it not to make it through the planning permission process at An Bord Pleanála!

Single small lanes on each side of the road don't allow for peak-time traffic demands or faster or slower cyclists nor does it allow for CARGO bikes and future E-mobility current E-bikes and future E-scooters!

As seen on Griffith Ave and other locations children don't use the single small bike lanes because of their poor design and continue to use the wider footpaths.

We need a proper fully segregated bi-directional cycling infrastructure. We also need to put the majority of vehicle traffic underground and further pedestrianise the city center.