As a resident beside a busy train station with plans to further double the noise pollution traffic, I have a number of health concerns that have been raised about noise and air pollution and the detrimental effects it has on public health. It appears this has not been taken into account with transport planning and proposals by the NTA. When asked at a public consultation the deputy CEO didn't seem to think it was a concern and that would be an Environmental Assessment responsibility?
Something that is being considered by the EPA but has not been investigated fully by the HSE or HSA and may have serious ramifications from having to provide extra healthcare or long-term care or worse citizens suing the state from a known public health issue, as issued to Ireland by the WHO World Health Organisation? I have raised my concerns with the C&AG Comptroller and Auditor Generals' office and warned of the consequences.
The same lack of consideration has been given to the MetroLink proposal?
The same lack of consideration when it comes to our city biosphere? The proposal to cut down thousands of mature trees that may result in lengthy protests and legal battles?
Existing and proposed public transport with no HVAC or UVC-C222 may be dangerous to human health from airborne and other pathogens.