Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Meath County Council

8. Planning for Sustainable Transport

 Chapter 8    Planning for Sustainable Transport

Chapter 8 sets out that the integration of land use and transport planning will guide the future location of development. This is supported strongly in the Meath County Development Plan. The Strategy supports the 10-minute neighbourhood concept. Measures PLAN 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 refer to consolidation of development, location of retail and office development and location of Transit oriented development and mixed-use development. These measures are welcomed however, it is important that a balanced approach is adopted having regard to the legacy development pattern issues set out above.

Section 8.7 discusses filtered permeability and acknowledges the importance of a planned approach to provision of walking and cycling at the planning stage for new neighbourhoods.  The provision of new measures to support filtered permeability in new neighbourhood facilities is usually addressed as part of the planning process and is supported by Measure Plan 7. It is noted that the strategy acknowledges that the retrofitting of these links in existing urban areas can be problematic. The inclusion of a supporting measure/amendment to Plan Measure 7 to address this specific issue would be helpful. Concerns in some cases could be addressed with high quality design solutions. The inclusion of worked examples in this regard would be helpful.

Measures PLAN 8-PLAN 9 refer to school site selection. The implementation of Measure PLAN 8 will be very challenging for Local Authorities. It is unclear if the Department of Education have been consulted in this regard taking account of their role in school provision.  Will guidance be provided outlining the nature and type of evidence required from applicants to demonstrate that the site in question will achieve the requirement for the ‘majority of students and staff will travel to the school by public transport, walking and cycling.’ If such guidance is provided, what is the statutory basis of same?  Alternatively, will it be for the NTA to be the arbiter of whether this is achieved by a school proposal? In addition, does this measure apply to year of opening and each subsequent year? Will there be monitoring requirements? How will it be enforceable, and who will be carrying out any monitoring processes?

Measure Plan 9 requires that new sites for schools be accessible for most students by public transport and active travel. Measure Plan 10 requires that in the design of new schools, the design maximises priority for pedestrians and cyclists. It is unclear if the Department of Education has been consulted in this regard taking account of their role in school provision. For example, it is often the case that the connection of a school site to an existing footpath network is not funded by the Department of Education. This matter requires resolution as Local Authorities will be unable to fill any potential funding deficits.

Measures PLAN 12-PLAN 14 focus on the importance of achieving high quality urban design in transport schemes with greater recognition for placemaking qualities, active streets and an attractive public realm to encourage people to take public transport, walk and cycle. Specific reference to greening would be helpful. The Strategy would benefit from acknowledging the changing nature of our streets referencing the increased use of spaces for outdoor dining. A supporting measure in the strategy to future proof urban spaces to address this issue would be helpful.

The strategy supports Local Transport Plan (LTP) preparation and implementation. Measure PLAN 15 Local Transport Plans states the NTA will promote and assist Local Authorities to develop LTPs based on the ABTA methodology, as part of the statutory plan-making process. This is welcomed as the Council will be preparing LTPs for Navan, Ashbourne and Ratoath, MOV OBJ 1 of the CDP refers. In addition, a joint LTP will be prepared for Drogheda in partnership with Louth County Council. The NTA is a key stakeholder in the plan making process.