Uimhir Thagarta Uathúil: 
Anna Lalor

8. Planning for Sustainable Transport

Again in relation to the preferred option for the closure of the level crossing at Ashtown under DART+ West, I have found that the proposals (replacement of pedestrian and cycle access with an isolated underbridge) are not consistent with the strategy outlined by NTA in the current draft, but also previous recommendations.  In particular, the current proposals lead to impermiablity (through fears for safety via the proposed route) in the community, and it appears there may be insufficent urban design experience or participation in the DART+ West project team. The proposals also do not seem to adhere to the road user hierarchy. The proposed pedestrian bridge is also not in keeping with the local 'place' being a large concrete structure, with alternatives (such as cable stay bridges) potentially offering more attractive and sustainable alternatives that could also include pedestrian/cycle and wheelchair access.


8.7 Filtered Permeability

"Facilitating movement by walking and cycling is a critical element in neighbourhood planning. In particular, the concept of filtered permeability, whereby pedestrians and cyclists can travel through areas and motorised traffic cannot, is important in conferring an advantage on these modes making them safer and more attractive than the car for short trips to local services. …"

8.9 Urban Design and Placemaking

"Placemaking is the process of creating quality places that people want to live, work, invest and spend time in. It is based on a simple principle; that if you plan for people and places, you get people and places.  …

Better street design in urban areas, including the presence of active street frontages, will encourage more people to choose to walk, cycle or use public transport by making the overall experience safer, more accessible and attractive. It will lower traffic speeds, reduce unnecessary car use and create a built environment that responds more sympathetically to the distinctive natures of the individual communities and places. …

With this in mind, the NTA to date has incorporated high-quality urban design and placemaking improvements into the design of major transport schemes. This policy will continue as part of the implementation of the Transport Strategy."

Measure PLAN12 – Urban Design in MajorInfrastructure Projects

The NTA will incorporate a high standard of urban design and placemaking into the planning and design of all major public transport infrastructure schemes, and will consider how greater biodiversity could be fostered.

Measure PLAN13 – Urban Design in Walking and Cycling Projects

In the design, planning and prioritisation of walking and cycling schemes, the NTA and the local authorities will ensure the incorporation of urban design and placemaking considerations.

MEASURE PLAN16 – The Road User Hierarchy (places pedestrians and cyclists above public transport)

The NTA, in the decision-making process around the design, planning and funding of transport schemes in the GDA, will be guided by the priority afforded to each mode in the Road User Hierarchy as set out in the Transport Strategy.