With a focus again on the preferred option in both the first and second consultations on DART+ West relating to the closure of Ashtown level crossing and its replacement with an isolated underbridge/tunnel for vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists (the 2nd consultation indicated that lifts and the railway footbridge would be available for general use during the hours that the railway was operational), I believe the following policy objectives are of note. I note that access to the Navan Road QBC, the Pheonix Park, many childcare facilities and schools, and sporting amenities are located on the opposite side of the railway for residents in Rathborne, most of whom live in apartments so access to the park and sporting amenities is all the more important. In addition, Ashtown Road provides a secondary route for the GDA cycle network, which would also be diverted through this alternative route.
National planning framework:
NPO 27: Ensure the integration of safe and convenient alternatives to the car into the design of our communities, by prioritising walking and cycling accessibility to both existing and proposed developments, and integrating physical activity facilities for all ages.
Regional spatial and economic strategy:
RPO 5.3: Future development in the Dublin Metropolitan Area shall be planned and designed in a manner that facilitates sustainable travel patterns, with a particular focus on increasing the share of active modes (walking and cycling) and public transport use and creating a safe attractive street environment for pedestrians and cyclists; and
RPO 5.8: Support the promotion and development of greenway infrastructure and facilities in the Dublin metropolitan area and to support the expansion and connections between key strategic cycle routes and greenways as set out in the NTA Greater Dublin Area Cycle Network Plan.