STC G - Togher to City

The Togher to City Sustainable Transport Corridor (STC G) commences on Pouladuff Road, just north of the junction with Pearse Road. It is proposed that buses and cyclists will proceed along Pouladuff Road before continuing through to Noonan Road and on to Gregg Road. From Gregg Road, STC G routes along Gillabbey Street and on to Bishop Street. At the junction with Sharman Crawford Street,
alternative routes are proposed for buses and cyclists continuing to the city centre.

Inbound buses (towards the city) will continue on Sharman Crawford Street, Wandesford Quay, over Clarke’s Bridge and then turn right onto Washington Street and from here will continue to the junction with Grand  Parade using the proposed bus infrastructure in Sustainable Transport Corridor F (Bishopstown to City).

Outbound buses from Grand Parade will route west on Washington Street using the proposed infrastructure in STC F before turning left to South Main Street to merge with general traffic and then turn right on to Proby’s Quay, continuing west before then turning left on to Bishop Street. Inbound cyclists will route along Bishop Street and Proby’s Quay before diverting through Crosses Green, over Clarke’s Bridge and on to Hanover Place before turning onto Washington Street and continuing to the junction with Grand Parade using the proposed cycle infrastructure in Sustainable Transport Corridor F (Bishopstown to City).

Outbound cyclists will route along Washington Street using the proposed cycle infrastructure in STC F to the junction with Hanover Place, before heading south over Clarke’s Bridge and routing via a shared environment with inbound cyclists and pedestrians and local access traffic through Crosses Green, connecting with Proby’s Quay and heading west along Proby’s Quay to the junction with Bishop Street.

Dedicated cycle tracks are provided along a portion of STC G. However, along Pouladuff Road from Pearse Road through to Gregg Road, due to prevailing space constraints it is not possible to provide segregated cycle facilities. Cyclists will ultimately tie into future cycle route schemes to be developed for Pearse Road and Lough Road as part of the Cork Cycle Network.

Priority for buses is provided for along a portion of the corridor using dedicated bus lanes in one or both directions, while changes in traffic management have been proposed on Poluaduff Road, Bishop Street and at Clarke’s Bridge to manage bus journey time reliability.

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