Route 187 Amendment

Closed26 Mar, 2024, 10:00 - 15 Apr, 2024, 16:00

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Route 187 Amendment 

The National Transport Authority (NTA), in partnership with Bus Éireann, is proposing to improve Route 187 and would like to hear your views. This enhancement is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan, which is a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the National Transport Authority (NTA) as part of the Transport for Ireland (TFI) Network.

The purpose of the amendment is to provide the following:

  • Improve public transport service to and between Oldcastle, Ballyjamesduff, Virginia and Kells
  • Provide a new service to Crossakiel and smaller areas of Meath and Cavan counties
  • Increase the number of departures per day and improve the hours of operation of the 187 service with a new, more legible timetable.

The service is proposed to be amended in mid-2024.


The NTA proposes to amend Route 187 as follows:

  • Route 187 would be revised to operate between Virginia and Kells via Crossakiel, Oldcastle and Ballyjamesduff. The service would no longer operate along the N3. See Map 1.
  • All journeys would serve Kells, Crossakiel, Oldcastle and Ballyjamesduff.
  • Some journeys would operate between Oldcastle and Ballyjamesduff via Mount Nugent, whereas some others would operate via Castlerahan.
  • Monday to Sunday, Route 187 would operate 6 journeys per day from Kells to Virginia and 5 journeys per day from Virginia to Kells.

As a consequence of the proposals:

  • Route 187 would no longer operate along the N3 between Kells and Virginia, meaning some passengers will need to use Route 109X instead
  • Some passengers could experience longer journey times, whereas others could experience shorter journey times
  • The new timetable would affect all existing Route 187 passengers
Map 1 - Proposed Route 187 (Kells – Virginia)

This maps shows the proposed Route 187 between Kells and Virginia. Route 187 would be revised to operate between Virginia and Kells via Crossakiel, Oldcastle and Ballyjamesduff. The service would no longer operate along the N3.

How to make a submission

To make an online submission, please click on “+ MAKE A SUBMISSION” button on this webpage.

Alternatively, please make a written submission to the address below:

Route 187 Consultation,
Transport Service Planning,
National Transport Authority,
Dún Scéine,
Harcourt Lane,
Dublin D02 WT20.

Closing Date

Consultation on this revised service will run for 3 weeks.  The closing date for submissions is 4pm on Monday 15 April 2024.

Data Privacy Statement

Making a submission indicates that you agree with the NTA Privacy Statement and NTA Public Consultation Statement of Privacy. If you require further information please contact [email protected].

Freedom of Information

NTA is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and, therefore, must consider any request for information made under that Act. Submissions received to the consultations will be published online.



Connecting Ireland
Route Amendment
Public Transport