Gorey - Wexford Consultation

Closed2 Dec, 2024, 13:00 - 6 Jan, 2025, 17:00

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Gorey - Wexford Consultation

The National Transport Authority (NTA) is proposing enhancements to the Wexford - Gorey bus corridor and wants to hear your views.

Where applicable, the bus services on the proposed corridor will be integrated into the TFI Go app and will participate in the Leap Card scheme, facilitating easier journey planning and cashless payments for passengers. Additionally, Free Travel Passes will be accepted on eligible services along the corridor.

We will also investigate the possibility of serving this corridor with accessible, modern vehicles and will work closely with Local Authorities to improve the stop infrastructure.

We plan to implement our proposal during 2025 but achieving this will be subject to the availability of the necessary additional funding and resources.

This enhancement is part of the Connecting Ireland Rural Mobility Plan, a major national public transport initiative developed and funded by the NTA as part of the Transport for Ireland (TFI) Network.

The purpose of the consultation is to collect feedback from the public which will then be used to improve the service levels along this corridor.

We encourage you to share your views on how these proposed changes could impact your journey experience.

Details of Proposal

Our objective is to provide more frequent services along the Wexford – Gorey Corridor which will improve integration with other bus routes and rail services. The purpose is to provide the following:

  • Improve connectivity between Gorey and Wexford by increasing interchange opportunities with existing services.
  • Improve connectivity along the corridor by introducing new services where existing settlements are currently not adequately served.
  • Improved connectivity with regional and local services at Wexford and Gorey Train Stations

Corridor Gorey - Wexford Map

How to make a submission

To make an online submission, please click on “+ MAKE A SUBMISSION” button on this webpage.

Alternatively, please make a written submission to the address below:

Gorey - Wexford Consultation
National Transport Authority
Transport Service Planning,
Haymarket House,
Dublin 7,
D07 CF98

Closing Date

We welcome all feedback and commentary for a period of 4 weeks – the closing date is 06/01/2025 at 17:00.

Data Privacy Statement

Making a submission indicates that you agree with the NTA Privacy Statement and NTA Public Consultation Statement of Privacy. If you require further information, please contact [email protected]

Freedom of Information

NTA is subject to the provisions of the Freedom of Information Act 2014 and, therefore, must consider any request for information made under that Act. Submissions received to the consultations will be published online.


General Comments / Tráchtanna Ginearálta