Publication of the Draft Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy
The National Transport Authority invites written submissions or observations on the Draft Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS). The draft WMATS sets out a framework for investment in transport for the Waterford Metropolitan Area up to 2040 and includes proposals for the significant enhancement of bus services and infrastructure, the development of a cycle network, and a range of other measures related to walking, roads and streets, parking and the enhancement of the public realm.
An Environmental Report has been prepared which assesses the likely effects on the environment of implementing the Draft Strategy. An Appropriate Assessment is also being carried out.
All documents outlined below are available to download from the Materials section on this page:
Draft Strategy
Draft WMATS Full Report
Draft WMATS Executive Summary
Dréacht Stráitéis WMATS
Draft WMATS – Easy to Read
Draft WMATS – Accessible Version
Environmental Documents
SEA Environmental Report and AA Natura Impact Statement
Background Reports
Baseline Conditions Report
Demand Analysis Report
Transport Options Report
Supporting Measures Report
Transport Modelling Assessment Report
Public Events
Two public consultation events have been organised, where members of the project team will be available to discuss the Draft Strategy and answer questions. These events are open to all and will take place at the Tower Hotel, The Mall, at the following times:
2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Wednesday 15th June 2022
10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Thursday 16th June 2022
Submissions or observations with respect to the Waterford Metropolitan Area Draft Transport Strategy 2040 and/or associated SEA Environmental Report and/or associated AA Natura Impact Statement made up to Tuesday 12th July, will be taken into consideration in the finalisation of the transport strategy.
Submissions or observations should be made via the "Make a Submission" link on this page.
Postal submissions will also be accepted if sent to National Transport Authority, Dún Scéine, Harcourt Lane, Dublin 2, D02 WT20.
Note: Please contact us if you require alternative formats of the above documentation.
Draft Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS)
Primary tabs
Publication of the Draft Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy
The National Transport Authority invites written submissions or observations on the Draft Waterford Metropolitan Area Transport Strategy (WMATS). The draft WMATS sets out a framework for investment in transport for the Waterford Metropolitan Area up to 2040 and includes proposals for the significant enhancement of bus services and infrastructure, the development of a cycle network, and a range of other measures related to walking, roads and streets, parking and the enhancement of the public realm.
An Environmental Report has been prepared which assesses the likely effects on the environment of implementing the Draft Strategy. An Appropriate Assessment is also being carried out.
All documents outlined below are available to download from the Materials section on this page:
Draft Strategy
Environmental Documents
Background Reports
Public Events
Two public consultation events have been organised, where members of the project team will be available to discuss the Draft Strategy and answer questions. These events are open to all and will take place at the Tower Hotel, The Mall, at the following times:
2:00 pm to 8:00 pm, Wednesday 15th June 2022
10:00 am to 4:00 pm, Thursday 16th June 2022
Submissions or observations with respect to the Waterford Metropolitan Area Draft Transport Strategy 2040 and/or associated SEA Environmental Report and/or associated AA Natura Impact Statement made up to Tuesday 12th July, will be taken into consideration in the finalisation of the transport strategy.
Submissions or observations should be made via the "Make a Submission" link on this page.
Postal submissions will also be accepted if sent to National Transport Authority, Dún Scéine, Harcourt Lane, Dublin 2, D02 WT20.
Note: Please contact us if you require alternative formats of the above documentation.